Open default mail client on windows

In this article I will introduce 3 ways to open mail client on windows: Open a default mail client on windows10 In this article I will introduce 3 ways to open mail client on windows: mailto: mapi regestry Comparision mailto is a protocal to open a mail client which is surpported by most clients, but no attachment can be specifed. MAPI is suited for MicroSoft Office development, so it is good surpported by Micosoft Ofice suites.

Crash dump analysis with windbg

Introduce basic steps for using windbg. Steps of crash dump analysis with windbg .exr -1 The .exr command displays the contents of an exception record (a EXCEPTION_RECORD structure). The EXCEPTION_RECORD structure contains the Instruction Address (the function raising the exception), the Exception Code, and (max 15) Exception Parameters. 0x80000003 is break point exception. .lastevent displays the most recent exception or event that occurred. !analyze -v .symopt+ 0x40 force load symbols

QML overview

In this post, I want to make a clear framewok of QML language howerver, this post is far from completed, I will update this post when I have new things. Overview of QML language In this post, I want to make a clear framewok of QML language howerver, this post is far from completed, I will update this post when I have new things. Qt QML module is provides the QML engine and language infrastructure.